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Product development specialization

Young Woman working with electronics. Photo.

Are you interested in a specialization within Product development?

Product development involves the identification of a market opportunity or need that ends in the production, sale and delivery of a product.

As a product development engineer, you will work on the entire product life cycle, starting with identifying customer needs, developing innovative concepts to meet those needs, and evaluating and selecting the most successful concept. You will then carry out a detailed development of the selected concept to meet the intended specifications. To do this, you need a broad knowledge base and the ability to learn new knowledge, as every product development project will be different. Product development is an exciting and rewarding job where you face new challenges every day.

Job market
The role of a design engineer is dynamic and exciting. Designers use sound theoretical knowledge and advanced innovative thinking. More specific areas include intellectual property rights - patents, trademarks and designs. The field of product development is thus very broad.

Product developers (machine designers) can be found in many different areas of business and administration, with the emphasis on the engineering industry. The engineering industry accounts for a high proportion of Sweden's exports. Increasingly complex and technology-heavy products and systems, as well as an increased element of customization, means that technicians with knowledge and experience of design/development are also needed in marketing and sales. The large companies have good opportunities for international contacts, as product development today often takes place in extensive networks between companies in different countries.

Read more about the specialization in Canvas (with your student log-in)


Page Manager:  | 2024-02-02


Contact Axel Nordin, Design Sciences, LTH
046-222 85 11

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